Update – where does the time go?

Since I wrote the last post, work has been super busy and then the PC died – now we have a new PC (thanks to my clever hubby who put it all together!) and I’m going to make more of an effort to get to the keyboard.

It was interesting to read that in the last installment I was running for three minutes at a time. Last weekend, I completed a 5k race in 33 minutes 34 seconds which by my reckoning puts me at a pace of around an 11 minute mile. The last time I did a 5k race was about 7 years ago and I took over 38 minutes, so I was pleased with my efforts. If you had told me that I would be running for fun (ie no teacher making me) when I was at school, I would have laughed you off the planet. I’ve also found that I enjoy running outdoors, and am taking advantage of the long days at this time of year to head out in a morning before work.

It does feel good to achieve something positive. There are lots of other things going on right now which are getting me down a bit (work things mostly), so this is an important boost to my self-confidence.